Tower-Breitung Wastewater Board
The Tower-Soudan Waste Water Board meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 11:00am. The Board runs under a Joint Powers Agreement for the City of Tower and Breitung Township (1997). The current meeting location is the Tower Civic Center
The Tower-Breitung Wastewater Board operates and maintains the following items for the residents of Tower and Soudan:
2 Wells
1 Water Plant
1 Wastewater Plant
1 Water Tower
2 Lift Stations
15,000' of force main line
NOTE** During recent inspections of the sewer lines, there have been many items found that can do harm to our system. Please note the following 4 Ps. This is a basic and simple rule:
The 4 P's of Flushing: Pee, Poo, Paper and Puke ONLY. Flushable Wipes ARE NOT flushable. DO NOT flush Prophylactics (aka condoms), Plastics, Packaged "flushable" wipes/baby wipes, Personal care items or Pharmaceuticals.
04-18-2023 Meeting Minutes2022
02-16-2022 Meeting Minutes01-19-2022 Meeting Minutes
12-15-2021 Meeting Minutes11-17-2021 Meeting Minutes
10-20-2021 Meeting Minutes
09-15-2021 Meeting Minutes
08-18-2021 Meeting Minutes
07-27-2021 Special Meeting Minutes
07-13-2021 Meeting Minutes
06-09-2021 Meeting Minutes
05-19-21 Meeting Minutes
04-21-21 Meeting Minutes
03-25-21 Special Meeting Minutes
03-17-21 Meeting Minutes
02-10-2021 Meeting Minutes
01-20-2021 Meeting Minutes